Motherhood: An Initiation

Finding and Understanding Yourself in the Journey of Motherhood


This group is for mothers seeking community in their inner growth, self-understanding, and transformation throughout their parenting journeys. This bi-weekly series will offer ways for participants to know themselves more deeply through their experiences of motherhood. Lisa Marchiano’s book, “Motherhood: Facing and Finding Yourself” will serve as a guide.

Live, Virtual Group

Dates: Bi-weekly on Mondays starting April 28

All Dates: April 28, May 5, May 12, May 19, (no group 5/26), June 2, and June 9

Time: 10-11:30am ET (please note the time zone)

Fee: $85/session

This is a closed group, 6 participants max.
Please check all dates to ensure that you can attend most sessions. If you cannot attend at least 4 sessions, please wait to sign up for another series when you have more availability.

Email Becky at
for more information or questions


Check out the book HERE.