Spring: Honoring A Time of Growth

With spring around the corner, many of us are looking forward to longer days and warmer weather. Spring is a time of rebirth for animals and plants that have been hibernating through the cold days. This season offers us an opportunity to emerge as well with a renewed sense of wonder. With a mindset of growth and awareness, we can enjoy a time of restored energy and connectedness to our physical world.

As the world around us wakes back up from the long winter nap, notice the buds forming on trees outside your window, the sounds of birds singing, and the bright green grass after a spring shower.

These are reminders for us to emerge from hibernation as well. For us to get our bodies moving again, get outside in the sunshine and soak in the energy it provides.

However, just as the flowers close at night, birds quiet in the evening and newborn animals spend time in rest, we must also leave time for rest. This may look like sitting in your yard after cleaning up a garden- noticing the hard work you just completed, admiring an empty laundry basket after you completed a chore, or sitting down for a quiet meal after a long day of work.

Growth does not mean always being productive. It means putting in focused energy then giving our minds and bodies time to rest. As you notice new colors emerge over the next month, remind yourself that even the flowers give time for rest. 

Written by: Denise Migliorini, LCSW-C